Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's get physical~!!

Heyo~! So, as many of you may have assumed and/or already know, I'm on the fatter side of life, and last night whilst I was washing my hair, I decided on something.

Starting next month, I will be on a 8 month diet. This means I will be doing my best to eat healthy, exercise, etc. Each month, I will be shooting for dropping at least 5 lbs, which I'm hoping is do able. I'll probably be updating my blog at the end of each week until May 1st, with my weight at the beginning of the week and my weight at the end. That way, I'll be able to keep track of my weight, and I'm hoping that putting a record of my fatness in a blog will motivate me to work harder to lose weight.

This is actually a pretty big step for me, because I've been trying to lose weight for a while now, but I've always given up halfway through. I'm hoping that by setting some sort of goal and time to lose it by, it'll make it easier for me to actually succeed this time. Besides, by planning it out now, I might be able to look semi-nice during the summer, and with the temperatures starting to cool off to where it's a little more tolerable to actually get outside and do physical activity.

As a part of this diet blogging, I'm also going to be making a play list of good songs to work out, and I'll be posting results of my research that I'll be doing in order to find good recipes, work out routines, etc. Hopefully, if anyone who reads this who actually needs to lose weight, they'll be able to join me on my little 8 month journey! Wish me luck!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Oh sweet baby rays..

(a.k.a: Jeez louise, boys, I know I'm sexy but lay off please.)

Alright, let's start off with saying that I am a freshman. This puts me between a 12-15 year age range, making me fairly young.

Therefore, wouldn't you think it a little odd that a senior would ask me out 3 weeks after I met him?

Me too.

He asked me last night on facebook, so it was awkward, but not nearly as awkward as it could have been, had he asked me face to face. Personally, I thought I turned him down semi-well. No, I didn't just say 'No, I'm not going out.'

Did I possibly give him false hope? Maybe. I do like him after all, but it is not my intention to string him along. However, he supposedly understood that I was not interested in a relationship at the moment. He even said there were no hurt feelings, so I was feeling pretty good that I'd done a good job with my first refusal of a relationship.

..Until he said something about me being his woman. Now, I can understand that a large part of this is probably my fault, seeing as I did not give him a definite no. That is a boo boo on my part, and I completely admit to this. But, if you say 'Oh, no I understand, no hurt feelings!' One would think that you get the fact that the other person is not interested in being your woman at the moment. Just a thought, ya know. *shrug* maybe not.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm not a very good blogger am I..

Looking at the amount of blogs, I must say I'm not exactly the best at blogging..
My last one was August 24, which means I am doing slightly better in the blogging department since it hasn't yet been an entire month. Therefore, I'm doing fairly well.
..Conveniently ignore that I'm only 3 days away from my monthly limit. :D

Anyhoo, I have not been on in a while because once again, I have started school. Highschool, to be exact.

Let's just say that being a freshman kiinda sucks. It's common knowledge, I suppose.

However, my highschool is huge! It's pretty easy to get lost, man. Waaay too many turns. I'm doing pretty well, though..

As you can probably tell, no, I have NOT installed my tablet yet. However, I have my speakers, and webcam set up now, and I'll be setting up my second monitor so that my desk will look like a ghetto version of the pentagon. I'll feel pretty dang special. I also will be cleaning my room out again  (it's pretty scary. I have no idea where half this crap comes from anymore.) then I'll be looking for a place to put my brother's old stereo so that it will be in range of my bed, normal desk, art desk, AND my half chest of drawers half make up table (without the lights, but not for long. I'll probably start messing around with some circuits and light bulbs to fix that problem). After all that is done, which, knowing me, will take around 2 months, I'll probably get around to setting up my tablet again so that my blogs aren't so boring. After that, it'll be Christmas, and I'll have to clean this room ALL OVER AGAIN.

It's a never ending cycle of cleaning products and large trash bags Q.Q